・書籍:英語版(2018年初版)はこちら(PDF)2022.04.25 更新版
・デジタルブック:日本語版(2013年初版, 2015年第2版)はこちら(PDF)2022.04.25更新版
Apology and corrections of our publication Fashion and Make-up of Edo Beauties Seen in Ukiyo-e Prints
April 15, 2021
Our publication Fashion and Make-up of Edo Beauties Seen in Ukiyo-e Prints (in paper and digital forms) contained some errors. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
In addition to this notice on our website, we will insert an errata slip into these books that are for sale. We will also send the errata slip to individuals and institutions that we know are in possession of the publication.
The errata can be downloaded from the links below. For those who would like a printed copy of the errata, please contact our publication representative at the email address below.
Download links for the errata:
Click here for the errata (PDF) for the English book (first published in 2018) 2022.04.25update
Click here for the errata (PDF) for the Japanese book (first published in 2017)2022.04.22update
Click here for the errata for the Japanese digital book (first published in 2013, second edition in 2015) 2022.04.25update
For a printed copy of the errata slip, please contact:
Publication representative of the POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture
Email: infobunken@po-holdings.co.jp
2021.04.15 追記
2022.04.22 追記
2022.04.25 追記